International Federation for Information Processing

4th Seminar in Paris June 2, 2016

The WG11.2 co-organizes this FREE seminar in conjunction of MSPN 2016 (talks in English)

Seminar is taking place in  CNAM (amphi 2 G. Friedman), 2 rue Conté -- Paris [more information on the venue can be found in MSPN website]) and it will start at 9:00.Attendance is free but limited to the capacity of the room. So please send an email to WG11.2 chair if you are interested to attend to book your seat.

After a short presentation of the Working Group 11.2 "Pervasive Systems Security" by Damien Sauveron (XLIM, Université de Limoges), the speakers will be:

  • Wafa Ben Jaballah (Orange)
    Position-Cheating Attack in Vehicular Alert Messaging System

  • Collins MTITA (Traxens)
    Improving the security of resource-constrained pervasive systems using efficient serverless protocols

  • To be announced

Coffee break will be offered by MSPN 2016. Thank to them.

3rd Seminar in Paris June 16, 2015

The WG11.2 co-organizes this FREE seminar in conjunction of MSPN 2015 (talks in English) and a French event dedicated to IoT and Cybersecurity (talks in French).

Seminar is taking place in  CNAM (amphi Jean Baptiste Say, access 1, 292 rue Saint Martin -- Paris [more information on the venue can be found in MSPN website]) and it will start at 14:00. Attendance is free but limited to the capacity of the room. So please send an email to WG11.2 chair if you are interested to attend to book your seat.

After a short presentation of the Working Group 11.2 "Pervasive Systems Security" by Damien Sauveron (XLIM, Université de Limoges), the speakers will be:

  • Prof. Serge Chaumette (LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux)
    Swarms of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (Drones): safety, security and ethics

  • Dr. Christophe Kiennert (Télécom ParisTech)
    Digital Identity: authentication and privacy challenges

  • Prof. Maryline Laurent (Télécom SudParis)
    Personal Data Protection in Pervasive Systems: European Regulation & Technical Issues

  • Prof. Pascal Urien (Télécom ParisTech)
    HCE-SE, the new generation of mobile secure services ?

  • Prof. Isabelle Chrisment (Loria)
    Mitigation of Topological Inconsistency Attacks in RPL based Networks

Coffee break will be offered by MSPN 2015. Thank to them.

The First Two Seminars

The first working group seminar took place on Monday, June 7, 2010, in Istanbul, Turkey. This seminar was co-located with RFIDSec 2010.

The second working group seminar took place on July 4, 2012, in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. This seminar was co-located with RFIDSec 2012.