Bio statement
Prof. Javier Lopez
Javier Lopez is a Full Professor at the University of Malaga and Head of the NICS Lab research group. His research activities mainly focus on network security, security protocols and critical information infrastructures protection. As Head of NICS Lab he has published about one hundred research papers in international journals, (co)supervised 19 PhD thesis, and led more than fifty research projects including over a dozen funded by the European Commission. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of, amongst others, Computers & Security, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Trans on Dependable and Secure Computing, Journal of Networks and Computer Applications, and has been Co-Editor in Chief of International Journal of Information Security (2004-2022). He has been the Spanish representative in TC11 (2003-2018), Secretary of IFIP WG11.14 (2014-2020), Chair of IFIP WG11.11 on Trust Management (2006-2009), and Chair of ERCIM Working Group on Security and Trust Management - ERCIM STM (2009-2012).