Bio statement
Dr Lech J. Janczewski
MEng (Warsaw), MASc (Toronto), DEng (Warsaw), ITCP
Dr. Janczewski has over forty years’ experience in information technology. He was the managing director of the largest IBM installation in Poland, and project manager of the first computing centre in the Niger State of Nigeria. He is Associate Professor at the University of Auckland, Department of Information Science and Operations Management. His area of research includes data security management with the special emphasis on cyber terrorism. Dr Janczewski wrote above 300 publications presented in scientific journals, conference proceedings and books. His last book “Cyber Conflicts and Small States” was published in January 2016 by Ashgate Publishing (United Kingdom). He is the chairperson of the New Zealand Information Security Forum, secretary of the IFIP TC-11 committee (Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems) and the Fellow of the Institute of IT Professionals (former New Zealand Computer Society).